Thirtyseven4 EDR Security: Enhanced Behavior Detection System

On July 25, 2023, the Thirtyseven4 EDR Security ThreatLab announced the automated and updated-release of its innovative, dynamic-based Behavior Detection System (BDS).  The BDS is the thoroughly and carefully trained Next-Generation (AI-based) threat engine of Thirtyseven4 EDR Security. This latest feature-upgrade is available at no cost to all Thirtyseven4 EDR Security customers.  To receive and apply the latest updated feature in Thirtyseven4 EDR Security, existing customers simply need to take a reboot of their system following confirmation that the system has a Thirtyseven4 Virus Definition Database date of at least July 25, 2023, or later.  This will incur the newly developed BDS version, and no other action is required.

The BDS feature within Thirtyseven4 EDR Security provides the ability to identify and preemptively combat zero-day attacks (an exploit that takes advantage of a security weakness in software even before the developers can fix it). Thirtyseven4 EDR Security AI algorithms within the BDS also proactively analyze system behaviors, network traffic, and file attributes to identify suspicious patterns and activities that may indicate a zero-day attack. This proactive approach (BDS) aids in detecting and mitigating threats (with due and necessary patches) before significant harm or system-infiltration is achieved. 

With the exploitation of AI driving ever-evolving cyberattacks, the drastic rise of cloud adoption, and increased at-home work employment, the Thirtyseven4 EDR Security Team continues to provide sophisticated Security and progressive feature-adaptations to aggressively and proactively prevent Zero-Day threats/Ransomware attacks/Malware and to safeguard Thirtyseven4 Customer data wherever it may be stored.

Providing high–level (continuously-adaptive) Security and exemplary Customer Service: Thirtyseven4 EDR Security continues to swiftly update and deploy new security measures to counter today’s evolving threats and tomorrow’s technological intimidations.  

Trust us to protect you.

About Thirtyseven4 EDR Security:

Thirtyseven4 EDR Security exceeds cyber security insurance requirements and includes:

• Advanced EDR Capabilities
• A.I. based Ransomware Protection
• Next-Generation Malware Engine
• Automated Curative Response
• Advanced Next-Generation Anti-virus protection
• Automated/Monitored/Dynamic Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) functionality
• A.I. based Ransomware Protection
• Next-Generation Malware Engine
• Automated Curative Response
• Removal of Current Antivirus Product
• Integrated Patch Management
• Anti-Keylogger modules
• Asset Management
• Firewall
• PC-Tuning
• Content Filtering
• Malware Detection & Removal
• Vulnerability Scanning
• Email Security
• Advanced Device Control

If you’re interested in receiving a non-obligation quote for Thirtyseven4 EDR Security, please complete the form located at:

We are grateful to be serving over 2,400 schools, businesses and non-rofits across the Nation and Thirtyseven4 EDR Security cares for our customers! We want the higher level of Security and Service for you and Thirtyseven4 EDR Security is it.


Thirtyseven4, LLC is dedicated to serving customers with a full palette of security solutions including AntiVirus, AntiMalware, Anti-Ransomware and Zero-Day Threat Protection.